I went to soul city service this morning and a few friends joined me as this continues to be very difficult without her there. She brought me there for the first time and through her love I gained the strength and faith that got me through this entire situation…and its so very hard to not hold her and love her throughout the service.
After the service I met her family and friends from Michigan in St. Joseph’s beach for the day, I was joined by my family and friends as well. It was a very special day for me and I got to play with her younger siblings, Memo and Zak, and her cousins. We had a lot of good laughs and reminisced a bit. I really enjoyed my time with her sister Dalia and her friend Nicole and Susie and of course her brother in law Hass…but most of all our nephew Gabriel. There was a very special moments where I was able to bring Gabe into the lake for the very first time. He has never experienced a large body of water like Lake Michigan and as you can imagine he was quite scared. He couldn’t even stand in knee-deep water without crying and throwing a bit of a fit. It was completely cloudy over the lake at that time and you couldn’t see any of the sun peeking through the clouds. I was finally able to distract him enough through acting silly and splashing around that he and I were both just laughing and giggling and playing in the water a bit. Suddenly the sun started to peek through and the beams of light that followed were a gift from God himself. An actual hole opened up in the clouds and I knew that Jessica was letting me know she was happy, she was with us and that she loved us. I will forever cherish that moment and the picture we were able to capture.
I truly feel that I will be okay and that I will get through all of this…whatever “this” is. I know she will continue to make me stronger than ever…like some kind of superhero or faith warrior. I have no idea what my future entails but I do feel good and a bit excited about my soul-searching/mission trip…. I may or may not be alone the entire time as friends and family may join me during different legs but I know we will always be together and she will always take care of me.