My purpose...
Everyone’s a salesperson, a common saying amongst salespeople and one I used to believe some years back. I’ve tweaked this sang over recent years however, realizing that actually everyone’s a teacher. We’re not always trying to sell something, but we’re constantly trying to help others understand something they previously didn’t. I've always been a teacher, helping people learn about various endeavors I just so happened to be impassioned with from one chapter of my life to the next. I just never realized teaching was my life’s calling. This revelation happened to evade me until about two years after Jessica's passing. My phone rang, it was my mother calling to share some serious news about a mutual friend. Her tone was riddled with worry and fear. “He’s been struggling with suicide.” My heart rang out with clear resolution. “I’ll speak with him.”
My response was not one of hope, it’s composition was of something infinitely more resolute, belief. Not only did I believe I could help my friend, I felt I was meant to. Preparation was unnecessary. I merely called him each week at the agreed upon time, and we chatted. He shared his perspective on life, on his day to day, and I shared a completely different perception - teaching him how to adjust his own. Nothing more. Over time his perspective began to shift. As it shifted, the bonds of his suffering broke down. And just like gradual waves filling barren tide pools, peace began filling the hollowness left from suffering's retreat. We continued our conversations for quite some time until his perspective shifted enough so that he no longer needed to rely on our conversations. Over that year and to this day, I speak with various people as my heart determines. Sometimes we chat for weeks, others for months, but most frequently just for a passing moment. Their circumstance is vastly different from one another’s, yet no matter the situation, their perspective begins to shift. With this shift, peace pools within the emptiness of their heart. Some experience a quick shift, while for others it’s more gradual. No matter, as each begins experiencing life with an expanded perception. A perception elevated from their previous vantage point. This broader perspective serves to liberate them from suffering... and life, well simply put, life becomes more beautiful.
I know this information leaves some confused as to what exactly it is I teach, and what our discussions would entail. This is intentional, as a conversation between us is necessary in order to understand my methods further. For now please know that teaching is a passion for me, and that I'd like for as many people as possible to experience the peace I've discovered. However, I’d prefer them to discover it without experiencing the profound grief I endured along the way. We speak for about an hour each week, in person or over the phone. I may have you read a book or two depending on your perspective, but I will encourage a few healthy practices to help you along the way. It all begins with a conversation, and if my heart nods in agreeance, as does yours, then we can begin shifting your perspective… and allowing peace to overwhelm your life.
Please check out some of the testimonials from a few people I’ve helped along the way. And if you’re curious as to what my program entails, please feel free to email jh@truebeloveds.com for more information.