Eternal swells harmonically soothe an earthly barrier into submission as aerial bandits encircle overhead…building courage for a dash at the seasoned fellow’s aquatic reaping. A fading body struggles to persuade the vibrant vessel ashore. The smirking old man considers the boy of yonder who made quick haste of his perpetual chore countless winters prior. The naive bloke may have toiled in lesser measure while wrestling the weathered skiff, but the oceanic yield was lightened by his callow disposition.
The veteran fisherman, with his sunken eyes clutched within an enlightened countenance, cast a penetrating gaze upon the vibrancy of life blossoming before him. A proud stance extends into the sea and beyond like a radiant cliffside beacon liberating disoriented sailors. Glory emanates from the weathered sage, extraneously birthed from the morning’s harvest battling back death’s advance, but endowed by innumerable seasons of life’s most tragic lessons.